Crazy about bubbles? Make them yourself – in everything!

March 27, 2024

Enjoy sparkling tea, water, juice, wine, cocktails … you name it. With the elegant InFizz Fusion from Sage, you can now create fizz in all kinds of cold drinks. In a split second.

There is nothing like a refreshing, sparkling drink to quench your thirst. Regardless of the occasion, the atmosphere also always becomes a bit more festive when toasting with the celebratory bubbles. For bubbles just have something special, no matter how they are served. Refreshing and sparkling.

InFizz Fusion from Sage is fresh fizz, smart technology, and aesthetic design. Carbonation is no longer just for water. Now you can add fizz to all kinds of cold drinks - sparkling juice, tea, wine, cocktails. Ready in an instant. Whether you prefer gentle fizz or an explosion of bubbles. You can even give your soda or drink an extra shot of carbonation if it has become a bit 'flat'.

The secret lies in the cap
The ingenious FusionCap gives you full control over the addition of carbonation. Quickly or slowly, depending on the type of drink to be 'fizzed'. At the same time, the FusionCap stays on the bottle all the time, preserving maximum carbonation - both during the process and afterward, when the bottle is placed in the fridge. The cap has a clever 'Easy twist & lock' function, so the pressure doesn't escape until you choose to unscrew the cap to enjoy the contents.

With its sleek and stylish design, Sage InFizz Fusion adds elegance to your kitchen. A compact size and an intuitive user interface make it both easy to place and use. Moreover, it is an obvious economical and environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bottles and cans.

Available in 5 beautiful colors and recommended price from 1799,- DKK

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