A unique cradle bouncer on the market: LeeLo ensures sleep for both children and adults

August 30, 2023

The most wonderful thing in the world is becoming a parent, but—let's be honest—it can also be tough, especially when the little one won't sleep unless it's in your arms. With the LeeLo rocking motor from Membantu, the family's newcomer gets the very best sleep conditions—and you get the opportunity to rock your child to sleep via an exceptional app feature.

It is a wonderful feeling to gently rock your baby in your arms. It soothes and comforts the little one, and it just gives that magical experience of closeness and connection with each other. We rock our child almost intuitively, but we also know from studies that the rocking up-and-down movements have a calming effect on the nervous system. It is therefore not surprising that the baby settles well in a pair of securely enveloping arms. Membantu's rocking motor and sling are intended as the parents' extended arm.

The rocking motor has long gained a foothold in the market, where it helps the baby to calm down while mom and dad get a minute or two to themselves, a little time for big brother or sister, or to take a well-deserved bath. And the food doesn't cook itself either… 
The sling cradle envelops your child and provides security, while the rocking motor ensures the soothing movements… up and down… up and down… right into dreamland. Zzz… 

Membantu has taken the lead with LeeLo
The creators behind the rocking motor from Membantu, engineer Eva Jacobsen and designer Stephanie Meilsøe, produce Danish-designed quality products that help the family's smallest sleep safely and soundly. And Membantu has firmly positioned itself in the field, as the new LeeLo rocking motor has something special that no other motor on the market has, namely the possibility of app control. 

What does that mean? 

In all its brilliance, it means that if mom or dad has just settled comfortably on the sofa to steal a nap, it is no longer necessary to jump up like a jack-in-the-box when the baby makes a sound. Instead, use the app to rock your child back to sleep. Just reach for your phone to get a welcome helping hand.  Baby is happy – and you are happy. 

Set the rocking motor via the app
When you download the app, you suddenly have a world of possibilities, for example, if you are in the kitchen in the middle of cooking, or if you wake up at night and the baby needs to be rocked a little more. Help is right at hand, and you can buy yourself time and stay where you are. You can set the timer from 15 minutes to unlimited time, and the rocking motor has several options in terms of speed. Maybe your newborn baby only needs to be rocked initially quite slowly until sleep sets in. But it may also be that you have a slightly older baby who responds well to a faster rocking pace. All children are different – fortunately. 

Learn more about the mysterious universe of sleep in the app's many posts about sleep, and keep your own sleep log day by day. 

Thoroughly tested and well-thought-out design
All products from Membantu are tested and meet all applicable requirements and standards, and the rocking motor also comes with rope suspension to avoid metal against metal (metal splinters). It is new Scandinavian design, which will fit well into the home with a stylish and classic expression. The product development itself always takes place in close collaboration with both parents and relevant professionals, and the motivation is to help parents with more and better sleep for their children, as well as to have more energy in everyday life. Always with consideration for the environment. 

Oops – did we mention that the motor is (of course) quiet? 

Membantu means "to help," and we are happy to help you, so there is more sleep for children and adults.  

Link to highres: https://we.tl/t-yCpnEmdX2g

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