The refrigerator opens when you say it.

February 21, 2023

You come walking with your arms full of groceries that need to be refrigerated - or the big birthday cake - and just need an extra hand to open the fridge. Then you simply ask the fridge to open the door.

Thanks to 'AutoDoor', you can open the refrigerator with a voice command or a knock signal. Thus, it is the first refrigerator in the world that can be opened and closed completely automatically.

If there was something we learned during the Corona pandemic, it was to be cautious about what we touch, and door handles are true bacteria bombs. With AutoDoor, the refrigerator's handle and front are always clean, without greasy fingers – and you always have free hands.

You can set the opening speed, angle, and the time the door should stay open yourself. A voice command to Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant is enough to open the cabinet hands-free. Of course, you can also open the cabinet manually or via your smartphone.

Liebherr: For over 65 years, Liebherr has been producing quality refrigerators that repeatedly take first place in tests worldwide. One of the reasons is their many unique, integrated technologies that keep food fresh for as long as possible. 

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